Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fashion Wednesday- Face Masque

Hey guys! I know, you're thinking....uh, this is not Tuesday or Fun Friday. Nor does the picture look like it has anything to do with sports.

But trust me, looking fabulous SHOULD be a sport. 

Anyhoo, it was suggested to me that perhaps I should branch out and share the "Nista" side of my "sportsonista" persona more often. I am a little wary to do so, because....boys... I know you could care less. Additionally, I'm terribly afraid some might start to question my dedication to and my knowledge of sports. Since I love them both, however, and since I'm always up for a challenge, I'm going to see how this goes. So bear with me, por favor?????

This past weekend I attended the Square Society of Roanoke's annual Black and White Masquerade Ball. It's fabulous, and I adore getting dressed up avec masque and partying with my Star City peeps. If you're going to do a masquerade ball ensemble, do it right! Below are some gorgeous shots by William Mahone Photography in Roanoke, VA.

And of course, moi!!!!!

Images provided by William Mahone Photography and the Sportsonista.


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